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Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that are fitted on top of teeth to restore functionality, health, strength and beauty. Think of a snug hat for your tooth. We first prep the tooth or teeth by sculpting to prepare for the dental crown. We will then use our newest technology to digitally scan your mouth to send off to our laboratory for crown fabrication.

Our crowns are sent out to be custom-made at a high quality dental laboratory so you will be made a temporary tooth to protect the prep in the meantime. Crowns can easily be made to match the color of your natural teeth but they can also be made of metallic alloys or gold. Typically, those are stronger and are recommended for the back teeth. 

Dr Jill Gillhooley is highly-experienced and will let you know which is the best fit for you. A great crown will look like a natural part of your smile!