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Dental Fillings

What are Dental Fillings

A dental filling is done when a tooth has a cavity or has been worn down due to clenching and grinding. This is a way to get the tooth back to its original function and shape. When getting a filling done the Dentist will clean out the decayed area or roughing up the worn area and prepare the tooth for new filling material.

There are several dental filling materials, we offer the best materials that will last for the area that it is needed. Each material is made of a different substance such as:

  • Dispersed Alloy Amalgam- Silver amalgams are known to be the strongest restoration that will last the longest when compared to other filling materials. Usually found on back molars. 
  • Tooth colored resin composites-  These bonded restorations are great when wanting to match the shade of a tooth, basically camouflaging the filling needed. Although they are great for matching color they are not as durable as Amalgam or gold fillings. 
  • Cast Gold inlay/onlay fillings- These are the most durable material when it comes to chewing forces. They do tend to be a bit more in cost and will need at least two appointments to complete. The aesthetics and durability are well worth the investment.